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No, I promise I won’t start singing numbers from “The Sound of Music”, but I have been thinking about my favorite things.  As you can imagine, there isn’t as much hustle and bustle at the shop these days as people reduce nonessential travel.  It gives me more time to do some organizing, cleaning, and general tidying up around the place.  I often find myself spending time I didn’t have in the past looking over instruments and admiring the wood and workmanship.  I’m able to play them more and get more accustomed to their tone and playing attributes.  It might sound strange to hear me say it, but we have an incredibly nice collection of instruments and bows at the moment!  Some of my favorite things are…

  • Snow JHS cello, Montagnana pattern
  • Jay Haide l’Ancienne European wood violins (two available), Guarneri pattern
  • Christopher Jacoby cello, Montagnana-inspired
  • Snow Simona European wood viola
  • Lu Mi baroque 5-string cello, Amati pattern
  • Shen Rogeri round back willow bass
  • Gewa Air cello case
  • Bobelock “cello shaped” violin cases
  • Coda Marquise GS cello bow
  • Thomastik Rondo cello strings

Make an appointment to come and visit us!