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As many of you know, I was a cello performance major at Butler University (class of 2000) and studied with Dr. William Grubb.  He hosts Butler Cello Day each fall and has been kind enough to include Encore Orchestral Strings.  I have the opportunity to bring items to show, but more importantly I have the opportunity to answer questions about a broad range of subjects.  This year I was excited to have a David Folland, Christopher Jacoby, and Eugene Holtier cello to show along with a selection of bows from top modern makers and workshops.

The Q&A session gives the students present a chance to ask questions about selecting the right instrument and bow, general maintenance, and even my experiences running a shop.  The students invariably ask insightful questions and I also have the pleasure of seeing many individuals in the group I’ve already had the pleasure of helping.

One aspect of cello day that is near and dear to my heart is the t-shirt we give away to participants.  My oldest daughter drew a beautiful, abstract cello when she was only 3 years old that graces the front of the shirt.  The students always seem appreciative (who doesn’t love a free t-shirt?) and my heart is warmed seeing her artwork featured.

Until next year!