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Genuinely “new” ideas in the violin world are rare.  I won’t go so far as to call the Scala Corta cello idea “new”, but it is certainly a reimagining of what modern cellists want from their instrument.  For most of the recent past, the vibrating string length of a full-size cello hovered around 690mm.  Some longer, some shorter, but usually in that range.  Many players with smaller hands found this length difficult, but didn’t want to sacrifice the sound qualities of a full-size instrument.  The idea of the Scala Corta cello is to combine a full-size body with a significantly shortened string length – in this case 655mm.  This puts it shorter than a 7/8 but longer than a 3/4.  The cello is in the shop for a short trial, so if you are curious to try it please contact us for an appointment!


Note – at the time of writing this post, I have not had a chance to spend any time with the cello.  I will report back…although, at my size, I am the least qualified to weigh in on the benefits of a smaller cello!