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I posted last week about a wonderful dinner we had in honor of Larry Wilke visiting after dropping off his cello at the VSA competition in Cleveland.  His cello, along with a cello by one of his sons Ben (age 19), underwent nearly a week of evaluation for workmanship and tone.  Certificates for workmanship and tone are awarded, along with prestigious Silver medals for tone and workmanship, and the Gold medals.  Larry has won both Silver and Gold medals in past competitions, and Ben was awarded a certificate for tone in his very first competition two years ago.  The results came in and BOTH Larry and Ben won Silver Medals (Tone) for their cellos!  Encore Orchestral Strings gives them both a hearty “congratulations” for this wonderful achievement!  We continue to be honored to represent their instruments.  It is extremely rewarding to remember not only all of the Larry Wilke cellos we’ve placed with players, but also the fact that we sold Ben Wilke 001 (his first cello) to a student here in Indiana.

