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IMEA 2020

Later this week I’ll attend the Indiana Music Education Association’s (IMEA) annual conference.  There will be opportunities to see performances, attend educational sessions, play in new music reading sessions, and generally catch up and socialize with all...

Midwest bound!

As in past years, I’m headed up to Chicago for the Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic.  This is an incredible international event that is attended every year by over 100 Indiana Band & Orchestra directors.  Professional development, student performances,...

Talking to music education students at IU

One of the privileges of my job is to visit various universities and talk to students about my corner of the music world.  On Monday I traveled down to Bloomington and had the chance to speak to a class full of future music educators.  As all but one of them were...

It’s the SOUND

I’ve spent quite a few hours driving over the past couple of months. Long road trips always give me the opportunity to do some of my best thinking.  What I think about isn’t always terribly important and plenty of the conclusions I formulate don’t...

Family, food, and music

With Thanksgiving a little over a week away, I found myself pondering how family, food, and music are related.  I’ll be visiting family and my kids have already talked about the soundtrack for the drive there and, more importantly, the way back –...

A whole lotta cello cases…

If you’re in the market for a good cello case, right now would be a great time to visit the shop.  Just a snapshot of what we have available at the moment: Bobelock fiberglass cello cases in black, white, sky blue, dark blue, yellow, red, and white. Eastman...